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Real name:           Miléne Klugt

Date of Birth:       14th June 1990

Zodiac sign;         Twins    

Chinese zodiac:   Horse

Nicknames:           Marron


In the Artist booth you will find our KaraQueen, winner of the karaoke competition at KARAOKEDAN 2018.

With a wonderful performance of “Yuki no Hana’’ by Mika Nakashima, she won the finals and won the competition.

Miléne is an aspiring artist who has been in the showbiz since a young age.  At the age of 10 she entered the school for youth theater where she studied dance, acting and singing for 3 years.

Even after graduating after 3 years, she cooperated with laying the foundations of an extra group within the school named ‘X-Lef’ where she remained another 2,5 years.

In the meanwhile, Miléne had found a new love; singing Japanese. In 2009 she became second singing the song ‘Mikazuki’ by Ayaka on Japan festival held by the Netherlands.


Milene studies interior design and is currently busy practicing for the musical ‘Legally Blonde’.

She likes space science, science, the American Drama; Bones, horses and photography and is very ambitious about animal rights.


When did noticed that you could sing and when did you start singing Japanese?
I noticed that I could sing at the end of elementary school, around the age of 10. At that time I didn't do much with it but did get introduced to musicals. 
The Japanese songs started with Final Fantasy, I heared songs like Sutekidane and Endless Story and thought ''let's try!''. So I did and never stopped.

Do you have any Artist/Influential person that inspired you as an artist?
I find this a difficult question to answer, since I'm fond of all different kinds of artists. I can get inspired to hop behind my keyboard when listening to Yoshiki for example. But I can also be moved by songs by Miho Fukuhara and Nakashima Mika. Music in general is inspiring to me. 

What do you do to keep in shape? what helps you to keep singing?
To keep in shape I recently started yoga haha, but vocal wise it helps me to not sing every day. Giving my voice rest seems to be important and to not overdo myself while practising. Exploring my vocal limits helps me to improve my singing, since they keep on changing and expanding. 

Is there anything that you could advise to people who are aspiring artists?
Never give up and challenge your fears! 
It's okay if a song doesn't go perfect, as long as you give it your best. 

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